W ramach zadania nr 4 „Rozpoznawanie wypowiedzi Polskiego Języka Migowego w układzie wizyjnym” przeprowadzono prace naukowo-badawcze, których wyniki zostały opublikowane w czasopiśmie Applied Sciences (obecna punktacja ministerialna to 70 pkt, Impact Factor: 2.217).
Kapuściński, T.; Warchoł, D. Hand Posture Recognition Using Skeletal Data and Distance Descriptor. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 2132.
In this paper, a method for the recognition of static hand postures based on skeletal data was presented. A novel descriptor was proposed. It encodes information about distances between particular hand points. Five different classifiers were tested, including four common methods and a proposed modification of nearest neighbor classifier, which can distinguish between posture classes differing mostly in hand orientation. The experiments were performed using three challenging datasets of gestures from Polish and American Sign Languages. The proposed method was compared with other approaches found in the literature. It outperforms every compared method, including our previous work, in terms of recognition rate.