Strona: Publikacja w Energies / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Publikacja w Energies

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
Logo Energies

W ramach zadania nr 5 został opublikowany w czasopiśmie MDPI Energies (IF: 3.005, 140 pkt MNiSW). Informacja o wygłoszeniu artykułu podczas konferencji WZEE2021 jest umieszczona w artykule "The article was presented during 16th International Conference Selected Issues of  Electrical Engineering and Electronics WZEE 2021 (Rzeszow September 2021)".

Piotr Bogusz, Mariusz Korkosz,, Jan Prokop and Mateusz Daraż: Analysis Performance of SRM Based on the Novel Dependent Torque Control Method, Energies 2021, 14(24), 8203;


This paper presents a description and the results of simulations and laboratory tests of proposed methods for dependent torque control in a Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM). The proposed methods are based on Dependent Torque Motor Control (Rising Slope), DTMC(RC), and Dependent Torque Motor Control (Falling Slope), DTMC. The results of these studies were compared with those on the Classical Torque Motor Control (CTMC) method. Studies were conducted for each of the analyzed control methods by determining the efficiency of the drive and the RMS of the source current and analyzing the vibrations generated for each of the control methods. The harmonics of the phase currents, which caused an increase in the level of vibrations generated, were determined. The usefulness of the proposed methods for controlling SRMs was assessed based on simulations and experiments. Additionally, the natural frequencies of the stator of the tested SRM were determined by a simulation using the Ansys Maxwell suite. The levels of vibration acceleration generated by the SRM were compared for the considered control methods.

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