Strona: Publikacja w Energies / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Publikacja w Energies

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
Logo MDPI Energies

W wyniku prac badawczych prowadzonych w ramach projektu RID powstał artykuł opublikowany w czasopiśmie Energies (IF: 3.252, 140 pkt MEiN).

Szychta L., Jankowski-Mihułowicz P., Szychta E., Olszewski K., Putynkowski G., Barczak T., Wasilewski P.: The Dielectric Properties of Worker Bee Homogenate in a High Frequency Electric Field, Energies, Vol. 15, No. 24, 9342, 2022 (DOI: 10.3390/en15249342).


Biological tissues, including insect tissues, are among lossy dielectric materials. The permittivity properties of these materials are described by loss factor ɛ and loss tangent tgδ. The dielectric properties of the worker honeybee body homogenate are tested in the range of high frequencies from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. The homogenate is produced by mixing whole worker honeybees and tested with an epsilometer from Compass Technology and a Copper Mountain Technologies vector circuit analyser VNA. Due to their consistency, the homogenate samples are placed inside polyurethane sachets. The measured permittivity relates to two components of a sample: homogenate and polyurethane. For five samples, two extremes were specified for the permittivity, loss factor ɛ, and the loss tangent tgδ, for the frequency range 20 ÷ 80 MHz and 3 GHz. Four techniques of testing permittivity in biological tissues were used to determine the dielectric properties of the homogenate. A calculation model was developed featuring a minimum measurement error of the loss factor ɛ and the loss tangent tgδ. The power absorbed per unit volume is described for the whole frequency range.
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