Strona: Publikacja w "IEEE Xplore" / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Publikacja w "IEEE Xplore"

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
Logo IEEE Xplore

W bazie IEEE Xplore został umieszczony artykuł pokonferencyjny (konferencja WZEE 2021)

Tomasz Binkowski, Synchronization of the Photovoltaic Converter with On-Board High Frequency Grid, 2021 Selected Issues of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (WZEE), Year: 2021 | Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE


Due to the minimization of the dimensions of on-board equipment of ac-powered vehicles or flying platforms, there is a need to increase the voltage frequency. Consequently, renewable energy devices must convert it to the form implied by the nature of the on-board grid. One of the key converters involved in converting photovoltaic energy is the synchronized grid converter. The nature of on-board voltages raises the question of whether the available synchronizer systems will do the job for an elevated frequency grid, which may behave differently from the power grid. The paper presents the system of photovoltaic converter adapted to operation with 400Hz grid frequency. Basic synchronization method and a proprietary synchronization system using fuzzy logic were implemented and tested. An FPGA was used as the control element, which additionally enabled performed tests of specific changes in on-board network parameters. Based on the obtained measurement results, comparative characteristic was drawn up and conclusions were formulated.

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