W ramach realizacji zadania 6 projektu RID: "Rozwój procedur przetwarzania i analizy sygnałów oraz kalibracji elektronicznych narzędzi w pomiarach i diagnostyce", w monografii wydawnictwa Springer opublikowano rozdział:
Dorozhovets M., Bubela I., Szlachta A.: Investigation of the Instrumental Components in Uncertainty of Extreme Random Observations; [In:] “Methods and Techniques of Signal Processing in Physical Measurements", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering vol. 548, Springer 2019, pp. 54–66; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11187-8_5.
In this paper the instrumental components in the uncertainty of extreme observations are analyzed and quantitatively evaluated. In practice this method can be used to evaluate the uncertainty results of testing products, when during testing the most informative parameter is not the arithmetic mean but the extreme (minimal or maximal) observation. In the paper two main components of the uncertainty for such testing are studied: the statistical component - the variation of the measured parameter of a few tested specimens and the instrumental component - uncertainty of the measurement result of the appropriate parameter for each tested specimen. It is shown that the uncertainty of extreme observations depends in different ways on systematic and random effects in the measurements. If the standard uncertainty evaluated using the type B method (instrumental components) does not exceed (approximately) 1/3 of the standard uncertainty determined using the type A method (deviation values of observations), then the value of a coefficient which is used to calculate one-side expanded uncertainty of extreme observation can be determined approximately using a simplified method based on the ratio of both components of the standard uncertainty. The results of the research can be used to evaluate the uncertainty results in the quality testing of a wide variety of products in industry, agriculture and medicine when the result of the test depends on the minimum or maximum value of the parameter in the tested specimens.
Publikacja w monografii “Methods and Techniques of Signal Processing in Physical Measurements"