Strona: Publikacje w "IEEE Xplore" i "EPJ Web of Conferences" / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Publikacje w "IEEE Xplore" i "EPJ Web of Conferences"

, red.  Bartosz Kowal

Do połowy września 2019 roku ukazały się cztery pokonferencyjne publikacje internetowe związane z realizacją zadania 6 projektu RID. Pierwsza z nich jest zamieszczona w bazie "IEEE Xplore", pozostałe trzy w periodyku "EPJ Web of Conferences".

1. Hanus R., Zych M., Jaszczur M., Szlachta A., Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk A.: Signal processing in the investigation of two-phase liquid-gas flow by gamma-ray absorption. CoDIT’19, Paris, April 23-26, 2019, 681-684.

In this paper, the use of the gamma-absorption method applied in the investigation of the two-phase liquid-gas flow in the pipeline is described. An example of its application to the air transported by water in a horizontal pipeline is evaluated. In the measurements, Am-241 radioactive sources and probes with Nal (Tl) scintillation crystals have been used. The signals from the radiometric set were used to determine the velocity of the dispersed phase, void fraction and for identification of flow regime. In the latter case, artificial neural networks were applied. Results of the selected experiments carried out on a laboratory stand are presented.

2. Hanus R., Zych M., Wilk B., Jaszczur M., Świsulski D.: Signals features extraction in radioisotope liquid-gas flow measurements using wavelet analysis. The European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, Vol. 213, (2019), 02023.

Knowledge of the structure of a flow is significant for the proper conduct of a number of industrial processes. In this case, a description of a two-phase flow regimes is possible by use of the time-series analysis in time, frequency and state-space domain. In this article the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is applied for analysis of signals obtained for water-air flow using gamma ray absorption. The presented method was illustrated by use data collected in experiments carried out on the laboratory hydraulic installation with a horizontal pipe, equipped with two Am-241 radioactive sources and scintillation probes with NaI(Tl) crystals. Signals obtained from detectors for slug, plug, bubble, and transitional plug – bubble flows were considered in this work. The recorded raw signals were analyzed and wavelet energy was extracted using multiresolution analysis. It was found that energies of wavelet approximation at 1-5 levels are useful to recognize the structure of the flow.

3. Wilk B., Hanus R.: Blood flow in the brachial artery compressed by a cuff. The European Physical Journal Web of Conferences Vol. 213, (2019), 02099.

Most non-invasive blood pressure measurements are based on the blood flow during the arm cuff deflation. In this paper, the measurement system for an investigation of a blood flow in the partially occluded brachial artery is presented. It allows us to record simultaneously the cuff pressure, Korotkoff sounds and the blood flow during the arm cuff deflation. The algorithms developed for digital processing of the recorded signals are described in detail. The results of analysis obtained for healthy subjects are presented and discussed.

4.Zych M., Hanus R., Jaszczur M., Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk A., Świsulski D., Roshani G.H: Analysis and interpretation of radiometric signals in a liquid-gas bubble flow. The European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, Vol. 213 (2019), 02105.

The article presents the analysis of signals from a radiometric system consisting of two scintillation probes and two gamma radiation sealed sources. Calculations and interpretation were carried out for the bubble flow of the water-air mixture in the horizontal pipeline. The analysis of the obtained signals was done in time and frequency domain. In the frequency domain, a range of usable frequencies was identified, which were associated with changes in gamma-ray intensity recorded in the time domain. The gas phase velocity, void fraction and statistical parameters of the signal were also calculated.

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