Strona: Workshop Info / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Workshop Info

red. Bartosz Kowal

In the nature and the world around us, we can observe many network structures that interconnect various elements such as cells, people, urban centers, network devices, companies, manufacturing machines, etc. Most of them have the nature of evolving networks whose structure changes over time. The analysis of such systems from the complex networks point of view allows for better understanding of the processes within them, which can be used to optimize their structure, improve their management methods, detect failures, improve their operating efficiency and plan their development and evolution.

The main goal of this event is to exchange knowledge and experience between specialists from different areas who in their research and design work use theories and solutions characteristic for complex systems. We believe that the meeting will create new ideas and concepts that will affect the development of contemporary methods of design, operation and analysis of network systems.

Rzeszów University of Technology is a co-organizer of the international FedCSIS conference as part of 1st Workshop on Complex Networks: Theory and Application (CN-TA'22)

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