Strona: Information for authors / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Information for authors

red. Bartosz Kowal

Remote participation in the MSM’2020 conference is free.

The organizers plan to publish conference papers in Przegląd Elektrotechniczny in 2021.  Detailed information for authors and an article form can be found at website:

The condition for the publication of the paper is participation in the conference, meeting the publisher's requirements and obtaining positive reviews.

Publication costs are as follows:

  • black and white page: 225 PLN
  • color page: 280 PLN.

The recommended size of the article is 4 pages. Articles can be written in English or Polish.

The publication fees should be paid to the account:

Bank PEKAO S.A. II Oddział w Rzeszowie
Nr:  29 1240 2614 1111 0000 3958 6445

SWIFT CODE PKOPPLPW (applies to foreign payments)
with a note:  MSM’2020 + names of participants

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