Strona: Information for authors / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Information for authors

red. Bartosz Kowal

Publication of the Conference Papers

The articles must be written in English according to the Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, the AEE journal or in Springer ISI Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering pattern. Articles will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Conference and after qualification will be forwarded for publication.

Instruction for authors

Abstract paper lenght (up to 2 proceeding pages)

Full paper length (up to 6 proceedings pages), including figures, are allowed for each paper.

Official languages of the conference: Polish and English

Conference fees

800 € for participants
The fees are stated in PLN included Polish TAX.
The registration fee includes attendance to all sessions and conference materials.

The fee should be transfered to the bank accound below:

Bank account: PTETiS Oddział Rzeszowski:

Polskie Towarzystwo Elektrotechniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej Oddział Rzeszowski
ul. W.Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszów
Bank: Pekao S.A. II O. w Rzeszowie
Nr rachunku: 72 1240 2614 1111 0011 0970 9265

Numer IBAN rachunku: PL72 1240 2614 1111 0011 0970 9265;
kod BIC Banku Pekao SA: PKOPPLPW

NIP: 526-17-23-697
Transfer description: first name, surname,

The title of the transfer should contain names and surnames of the conference’s participants. In case of any additional article or accompanying person, provide all necessary information.

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