Strona: Conference info / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Conference info

red. Bartosz Kowal

About conference

This type of conference is held annualy by the institutions dealing with electrical engineering, electronics and mechatronis. Due to the conference’s prestigious status, numerous representatives of universities are expected  to participate, both from Poland and also from abroad. Within this event educational workshops are to be organised, in which  businesses will take part (3 businesses for each branch of interest) and about 100 people (students, lecturers, businessmen dealing with the subject of the conference).

The aim of the conference, organised by the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is to present the academic achievement, exchange the working experience and integrate the interdisciplinary academic environment of electrical engineering, electronics and mechatronics. The event planned for the current 2022 will be the  international meeting devoted to electrical engineering, electronics, industry 4.0 and RES, which gathers top specialists, engineers and lecturers from all over the world each year. At the conference the latest achievements are to be discussed, as well as the future improvements of industry 4.0, electromobility, renewable energy sources and smart electronics, all inducing the growth of economy based on these fields of knowledge.

In 2022 edition the emphasis will be put on 4 main issues: theme a) Industry 4.0, theme b) Smart electronics, theme c) Electromobility, theme d) Renewable Energy Sources.

Aim of Conference

The aim of the Conference, organized by Rzeszow University of Technology, PTETiS, is the presentation of scientific results, exchange of professional experiences and the integration of interdisciplinary scientific community in working on selected problems of electrical engineering, electronics, automation and mechatronics.

The predicted topics of the Conference include:

  • mathematical modeling of electromechanical, electrical and electronic components and systems,
  • new construction, technological and material solutions in electrical engineering and electronics,
  • generation, conversion and distribution systems of electrical energy,
  • control of machines and electric drives
  • modeling and analysis of electromagnetic fields,
  • models of power electronics elements and systems,
  • signal processing and conditioning,
  • modern electromobility problems,
  • problems of mechatronic and infotronic systems.

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